senior in swimming pool

You are not alone

Let us diagnose your
condition and get
you on the right track
to recovery.

Even modest weight
changes can have
many real and positive health effects.

Invest in your future
and call us now at

Latina lifts weights

Benefits of treatment

Overweight with obstructive sleep apnea
Some studies suggest weight loss can help sleep apnea patients feel better and report improved objective measures such as fewer apneic episodes. The patients also get the other health benefits of weight loss.

Overweight with no energy
Weight-related physical changes, poor blood sugar control, sleep apnea, thyroid dysfunction, medications, and other issues can contribute to a lack of physical energy.

Overweight with knee or back pain
2 lbs of weight gain can result in 9-13% increased risk of osteoarthritis. Losing 10 pounds of weight can reduce the stress on your knees by 30-50 lbs! 20 pounds of weight loss can reduce knee stress by 60-100 lbs! Similarly, the strain on the spine and back decreases with weight loss.

Overweight and Type 2 diabetes
A study with over 1000 patients showed just 1 kg of weight loss reduced diabetes risk by 16%. You can very likely lose 1 kg (2.2 lbs). When diabetics lose weight, most have improved blood sugar control and reduced insulin requirements.

Overweight with high blood pressure
Clinical studies indicate that weight loss may reduce or eliminate the need for antihypertensive medications. In our experience, 5-10 lbs of weight loss corresponds to a drop of about 2-3 mm Hg. Some patients decrease their systolic pressure by as much as 30 mm Hg and get back into the normal range.

Warm, friendly, encouraging and expert healthcare.
Call 818.789.0203 for an appointment.